Orak and Verum looked around in wonder as their tempus machine made its way to the depths of the ocean. They were along Tasmania’s south coast. Tasmania is an island state of Australia, located about 240 kilometers to its south.

As the tempus-machine-turned-submarine traveled deeper and deeper, the sun rays playing with the swishing water gradually disappeared. The ocean was extra mysterious at a depth of 390-feet. It was super silent too.

While Orak and Verum were admiring the overall feel of their location, Felix was busy chatting with the fish that swam near the tempus machine. Scorch sat right in the center as far away as possible from the sides of the machine. All this water was making her antsy. After all, water conquers fire, doesn’t it? She grumbled, “Why are we here?”

Felix broke off his fishy conversation and pointed towards the seabed and said, “Look! That’s what we’re here for!”

“What is it?” said Scorch, scrunching up her eyes to see better.

“It’s a rare pink handfish!” said Felix, “It was recently spotted off the coast of Tasmania for the first time in 22 years! It was last seen in 1999 by a diver in Tasmania. Pink handfish are native to Australia.

This is an exciting discovery because officials had listed the species as endangered sometime ago. It serves as a ray of hope that this beautiful creature will survive, after all.”

 “Fantastic news!” Scorch said. Orak and Verum were elated as well.

“How did they find it though?” Scorch wondered.

“With a special deep-sea camera, Scorch,” Felix said.

“Researchers found it swimming at a depth of 390 feet off Tasmania’s wild south coast. They were surprised to find it there as they previously thought it was a shallow-water fish.

Maybe it likes to use its large hands to walk on the seabed and swim with them, too, every once in a while. Ashlee Bastiaansen, a marine student at the University of Tasmania, said she spotted an odd-looking fish when she was going through the video footage of the camera. Suddenly, she saw its little hands! That’s when she knew she had spotted the rare pink handfish.”

“I can’t imagine how delighted she must be on seeing the fish,” Verum said.

“Yes, Verum. I hope we can find more members of this anglerfish family,” Felix added.