“Hi Scorch, what are you doing?” Verum said.

“I am reading about the new four-day week trial in the United Kingdom (UK),” Scorch replied.

“What do you mean?” Orak said.

“Thousands of UK workers have started a four-day week trial. A four-day week means workers will only work for four days a week. To date, they would report to work for five days and have weekends off. The workers’ pay will remain the same. The trial will last for six months,” Scorch explained.

“Companies such as software developers, recruitment companies, charities, etc. are taking part in the trial. There are a total of 70 companies!” Scorch added.

“Wow, that’s great news,” Verum said, “Who is organizing the trial?”

“Academics from Oxford and Cambridge universities and experts from Boston College in the United States are managing the trial. They are also in partnership with Autonomy, the research organization. They will study the data at the end of the trial to check whether a four-day week is better than a five-day week,” Scorch answered.

“Will a four-day week be better than a five-day week?” Felix said.

“Experts say yes. Many companies in the world have already started a four-day week. Their employees feel motivated to work harder. The productivity and profits of the companies also increased.

A four-day week can lead to lower sickness rates in employees. They will have another day to catch up on sleep, rest, or spend time with their families,” Scorch said.

“That would be great!” Felix said, “I will eagerly wait for the study of the trial!”