“Wow, this looks delicious,” Verum said. Scorch had shown her a TikTok video of a chef making a cake. TikTok is a social network platform. We can create and post videos on TikTok.

“Why are you looking up recipes online? Are you planning to bake us a cake?” Verum said.

“Are you? Are you?” Felix said. He was already drooling at the thought of cake!

“No, I am not,” Scorch laughed, “Sorry, to dash your hopes.”

“I was just looking at how TikTok has helped chefs get back on their feet,” Scorch added.

“Get back on their feet? How?” Orak said.

Scorch said, “Well, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns, restaurants were shut. Many chefs lost their jobs. But they came up with an innovative solution. They decided to relaunch their career as a private chef through TikTok!

They registered as ‘TikTok creator’. The chefs uploaded videos of their cooking and recipes to the platform. The idea was a success. Their views and followers increased. Thanks to the platform and the fame, the chefs got private catering events!

TikTok also pays its creators a limited amount of money every month. The amount depends on the number of views on the video.”

“It sounds amazing,” Verum said, “But don’t the chefs miss their restaurants?”

“Not really,” Scorch said.

“The working conditions in the kitchen and restaurants weren’t good. There were poor benefits. Women, Black people, and other people of color were excluded and their voices were ignored. They had to serve whoever came into the restaurant. Now the private chefs can choose their clients. They can also control their prices,” Scorch said.

“It’s a change for the better,” Orak said, “If restaurants wish to catch up, they need to have good working conditions.”

“Yes!” Scorch agreed.