Continuous rainfall had kept the Mysticals indoors for a long day. The temperature had dropped too. So, they sat curled up under warm, fluffy blankets on their beds. But after spending endless hours indoors, boredom set in. Scorch and Felix were especially affected.

Scorch said, “Verum, why don’t you take your crystal ball for a spin?”

Felix added, “Some news of the great world outside might help.”

It didn’t take much to convince Verum. She immediately sat in front of her trusty crystal ball. As her crystal ball began glowing a vivid blue color, she said, “There is vaccination news from the United States (US).”

“What is the news?” said Orak.

“People use social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to keep themselves informed about the world. But sometimes, incorrect or even misleading information is spread through these platforms. This has especially been observed in the case of vaccination,” explained Verum.

“Yes, you’re right. I have read so many reports of Covid-19 vaccines. Some claim that getting vaccinated causes a Covid infection and wrong information like that,” said Orak, “This can be quite dangerous.”

“Yes, it has apparently discouraged people from getting vaccinated,” said Verum, “So, recently, a reporter asked US President Joe Biden to comment on the misinformation spread through social media. President Biden said social media is killing people through vaccination.”

“Oh, I don’t think Facebook would have reacted well to that,” said Scorch, “It’s a serious accusation.”

“It defended itself, saying the data told a different story. At least 85% of Facebook users in the US are vaccinated,” said Verum, “It also added that Facebook isn’t the reason President Biden’s goal of vaccinating 70% Americans by 4th July failed.”

“And how did President Biden respond?” said Felix.

“He tempered his statement. Instead of blaming Facebook for the unmet vaccination goal, he suggested that the social media platform work towards tackling misinformation,” replied Verum, “President Biden now hopes Facebook will work towards saving lives.”

“Well, that sounds like a plan,” said Scorch.

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