It was a pleasant day in MysticLand. Verum was helping Felix replant some of the plants. They had grown too big for their pots. So, now, they were being transferred into bigger pots. All of Verum’s focus was fixed on this task.

Scorch strode into Felix’s garden and tapped Verum’s shoulder. Engrossed in the replanting process, Verum’s hadn’t expected this at all. She shrieked and nearly jumped out of her skin. Scorch burst out laughing and said, “Hey, don’t worry. It’s just me. I’ve come to inform you that your crystal ball has been spinning nonstop. You should check it out.”

“Okay, let’s go,” said Verum, adding, “Felix, I’ll be back in a bit.”

In the Mystical dorm room, Verum found that the news was from Hungary, a country in central Europe. She said, “Big changes are on the horizon for Hungary. Peter Marki-Zay, the Mayor of a city called Hodmezovasarhely, has been chosen to contest elections in Hungary. It will now be a face-off between Marki-Zay and Hungary’s current Prime Minister Viktor Orban in the upcoming 2022 elections.”

“Okay, but why is that a big change?” said Scorch.

Orak chimed in, “Oh, I remember! You mentioned Prime Minister Orban about a month ago. That time, the Pope had visited Hungary and asked the Hungarian people to be grounded and open, rooted and considerate!”

“Oh, yes! I remember too!” said Scorch, “Pope Francis’ remark was in response to Orban’s policies against the refugees.”

“You’re right about that,” answered Verum, “Orban’s party, Fidesz, came into power in 2010. This party has conservative beliefs and values. For example, Orban has spoken out against the refugees coming to Hungary as they are Muslims.”

“But how did he continue to be in power then?” said Orak.

“That’s because Orban’s party divided the rest of the political parties. These other parties were supposed to form the ‘opposition’,” replied Verum, “The opposition is a party or a group of parties that have received the second-highest votes in the election.”

“Because Hungary didn’t have a united opposition, Orban continued to be in power,” added Verum, “But now, they have all united with Marki-Zay as their chosen candidate to contest the elections. We’ll have to wait to see what happens in the 2022 poll results!”