“Let’s go to an ancient city founded in the 11th century B.C.,” said Orak, leading the other three through a mystical portal. As they stepped across, they saw a vast area with ruins of what would have been a spectacular city. They could see theatres, homes, marketplaces, and even temples.
“Why is it called Ephesus?” asked Verum.
“Nobody is sure, but there are two stories. According to a legend, the Ionian prince, Androclos, founded Ephesus in the 11th century B.C. Androclos looked for a Greek place. He couldn’t find any, so he asked the Delphi oracles for help.
The oracles said a fish and a boar would reveal the location to him. One fine day, Androclos was frying his fish on top of a fire. Suddenly, the fish jumped out of the pan and landed somewhere near the bushes. The spark burned the bushes, and a wild boar ran out.
Immediately, Androclos remembered the oracles’ wisdom. So, he built his new settlement right where the bushes stood and called it Ephesus. Another legend says that Amazons found Ephesus. Amazons are a tribe of female warriors. Legend says that the city was named Ephesia, after their queen.
Sometime in 129 B.C., Ephesus came under the Roman Empire and became a significant port city. In 262 A.D., the Goths destroyed the city and tried to remove all traces of it.
By the 15th century, when the Ottomans gained power, they couldn’t salvage Ephesus. So, they left it to explorers like us to enjoy,” said Orak.