In the dorm room, Felix was flipping through his family album, looking fondly at his grandmother. Verum, Orak and Scorch huddled together around him to look at the picture of a younger Felix.
“Felix, you look just the same!” smiled Verum, and added, “By the way, guys, Japan has recently broken its own record of having maximum centenarians.”
“Centenarians?” said Felix, looking up and scratching his head.
“Centenarian is a term used for those people who reach 100 years of age,” said Verum, tapping Felix’s head lightly.
“What do you mean?” said Orak.
“Let me explain with numbers. In 1963, Japan had 153 centenarians. In 2012, there were 50,000 centenarians. Japan held the record of having the maximum number of humans who lived till 100 years of age. But recently, Japan recorded 90,000 centenarians, breaking its own previous record,” explained Verum.
“Frankly, I am not surprised. Japan is famous for longer lifespans compared to other countries,” said Felix.
“What makes the Japanese population reach 100 years and live healthily,” asked Scorch, who was now curious about living longer.
“From what my trusty crystal ball tells me, the Japanese people keep a good balance between their work and life, they eat seafood, which is healthy and nutritious. I also read that these people have a loving and respectful bond with their family,” said Verum.
“I think Japan also has advanced medical technology,” said Orak, hesitantly.
“Oh yes! That too,” confirmed Verum.
“That’s amazing! I can picture an old, frail-looking man with a big smile,” visualized Scorch.
“Surprise! Surprise! In the recent news, it has been reported that 88% of these centenarians are women!” said Verum clicking her tongue.
“This is a record worthy of celebration. What did Japan do to celebrate this?” Felix wanted to know more.
“On September 19, Japan marked a ‘Respect for the Aged Day’ public holiday. The Japanese government sent silver trophies, letters, and flowers to its citizens who live to cut the 100 years old cake,” said Verum.
“Incredible! Japan’s record makes me want to live 102 years,” Scorch wished.
“That’s a cakewalk,” replied Orak, “We are Mysticals, Scorch! We have magic, so 102 can be 202, or it can be 302. If we don’t annoy MysticLord, then perhaps 402, 502.”
“I get the secret to a long life! In MysticLand, don’t annoy the MysticLord,” said Scorch, mimicking a devil laugh.