“Orak, do you remember the financial crisis that happened in 2008 that shook the world?” said Scorch, reading something related to the business world.

“Of course, I remember!” replied Orak, “It was called the Great Recession. The United States housing market (the main hub for house buying and selling) crashed to a record low and thousands of people lost their jobs.”

“That’s right,” began Scorch, “Recently, it was found that the banks kept their own interest rates (a percentage of money charged extra from the principal money) during the crisis.

Evidence suggests that many banks had altered LIBOR and EURIBOR settings.”

“London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR),” Orak pitched in to explain the alien terms to Felix and Verum who were confused, “is a benchmark for a short-time interest rate followed worldwide. EURIBOR (Euro Interbank Offered Rate) is the basic interest rate to be followed across Europe.

Scorch continued, “The banks were questioned about this. But they cleverly covered the evidence and kept it a mystery from the public. A man named Andy Verity researched and found the loopholes behind the crisis.”

“Interesting,” exclaimed Orak, “I feel like Sherlock Holmes with a mystery. I’ll research and check if I can find something exciting related to Andy’s research.”