Today, Felix and his friends were on a special mission. They were going to a city in the human world to pick up plastic waste. It was a part of a drive organized by a student environmental organization.

But sleepy, cranky Scorch said, “Why do we have to go? The humans can take care of it.”

“Oh, we must help them however we can!” said Felix, “Plastic pollution is a major problem. It refers to a situation where plastic waste accumulates on the Earth. This creates problems for plants, animals, humans, and Mysticals alike!

In fact, it is such a major issue that even the United Nations Environment Programme has decided to tackle it.”

“How so?” said Scorch.

“Earlier this month, it organized the fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) in Nairobi, Kenya, a country in Africa. This three-day meeting was held from February 28 to March 2,” said Felix, “The environment ministers of the 193 UN member states attended the conference. Together, they decided to establish an intergovernmental negotiating committee…”

“Hold on, an intergovernmental what?” said Verum.

“Let me explain,” said Felix, “‘Intergovernmental’ means committee conducted between many governments. This committee is given the responsibility of creating an international agreement to end plastic pollution. It will be ‘legally binding’ which means the 193 member countries will be bound to follow it.

This agreement will deal with the production, distribution, and use of plastic.”

“Oh, now, I see,” said Verum.

“Felix, how is plastic harmful to the environment?” said Orak.

“Plastic sticks around for a long time in the environment. It ends up in the sea where it ends up in the stomachs of birds and animals like turtles. This is harmful to their health,” explained Felix, “That’s why the UNEA’s step is so important. Did you know India played a major role in it? It insisted on including plastic pollution in the resolution.”