How relaxing it feels to breeze through the streets, pedaling slowly and fast and slowly and fast again, tooting the whistle to let pedestrians and drivers know you’re coming! For people in Copenhagen, this happens almost every day.
The population of the Danish capital is about 6,00,000 people, most of which travel to work and school via a cycle. Undoubtedly, it’s the most bicycle-friendly city in the world, with 400 km of lanes reserved just for cyclists.
It’s commonplace to see countless locals on their two simple wheels, cycling 1.44 million km every day! Studies show that 49% of the population relies on cycles as their primary mode of transportation.
So, where does this bicycle love come from? It’s all thanks to the efficient road networks. Special bike lanes are painted for cyclists which ensures less traffic and lower noise pollution. And this culture is very eco-friendly and healthy.
If only the rest of the world leaves the comfort of four wheels and hops onto two. We can save our planet and stay fit!