“Orak, is the Tempus Machine ready? We are already late,” Scorch was getting restless.
“Scorchie, breathe in and out. Remember that we are magical Mysticals? If we miss the game, we can go back in time and watch it easily,” Orak scoffed. Scorch sighed and hopped into the Tempus Machine with Felix and Verum.
The Gifted Four were on their way to the women’s FIFA World Cup 2023 that kick-started this month. It will continue until mid-August. Australia and New Zealand are the two countries hosting the World Cup. Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) is the governing body of football that organises men’s and women’s World Cup.
“Thirty-two teams are participating in this year’s World Cup. The first women’s World Cup took place in 1991 and is held every four years in different venues. But this year, World Cup is happening in two countries for the first time,” Verum mumbled quickly to get her facts right.
“Who has won the most women’s World Cup titles?” Felix was curious.
“The United States of America (USA)! The country has won four titles and is also the reigning champion,” Scorch’s excitement was sky-high, “Next is Germany with two titles and then Japan and Norway with one title each. Eight new countries are debuting this year: Haiti, Morocco, Panama, Philippines, Portugal, Republic of Ireland, Vietnam, and Zambia.”
“I’m curious to know who has the most goals in the FIFA World Cup. Is there a female Messi?” said Felix sheepishly, a die-hard fan of footballer Lionel Messi, as he could not resist asking this question.
The other three Mysticals had a hearty laugh at Felix’s question. 
“Yes! Brazil’s striker Marta has the most goals in the World Cup. She has 17 goals scored in 20 games,” informed Scorch.
“And we’ve reached! See, it took us just about three seconds! Power of MysticLand magic,” Orak winked.